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Can I Give Human Amoxicillin To My Dog?

Amoxicillin is an antibacterial drug that has a wide range of uses but its most commonly used for treating bacterial infections. It is commonly used to treat infections such as tonsilitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, and any infections of the ear, throat, and skin. Though, those that are allergic to penicillin should not take Amoxicillin. Amoxicillin is commonly taken in pill form, but it can sometimes be injected if need be.
Since it is so commonly used in humans, people sometimes wonder if they can get away with using it with animals, especially with dogs that could have an infection. Some people may be confused by this, but we are here to tell you whether or not you can give human amoxicillin to dogs.
So can I give human amoxicillin to my dog?
The short answer is no, you cannot give human-grade and prescribed amoxicillin to dogs. This is because human-grade and prescribed amoxicillin are different than the veterinary prescribed amoxicillin in a few key different ways.
The first problem that presents itself when thinking about giving human-grade amoxicillin to dogs is the dosage. You don't want to expose your dog to the wrong dosage. Too high of a dose could be very harmful to your dog, but too low of a dose could make the bacteria more resistant to the effects of amoxicillin. This can be potentially toxic to dogs and may even kill a dog if you choose to give the dog human-grade amoxicillin, especially if it's a very small dog, too.
The second problem is that there are ingredients in amoxicillin that can be toxic and harmful to dogs. These ingredients can be artificial flavorings, colors, and chemicals that act as preservatives. Of course, this stuff might not be toxic to humans, and humans could more easily digest this stuff, but a dog cannot do that.
The third problem with giving a dog human-grade amoxicillin is that your dog could be allergic to it or intolerant of it. An allergic reaction is very plausible with your dog as well, since as humans, dogs can be allergic to penicillin, which is what amoxicillin is made from. Allergic reactions can include anything such as vomiting, lethargy, skin reactions that include redness or swelling of the skin, and even hives. If you gave your dog amoxicillin and it is exhibiting any of these signs- call the vet immediately.
This also means that if you want to treat an infection your dog might have, talk to your vet first and get the right medications for your dog
We answered the question "Can I give human amoxicillin to my dog" as an outright no. There are certain dangers such as allergic reactions and the medication potentially being toxic to dogs and life-threatening. If you believe your dog has an infection, talk to your veterinarian first and see what they think, and get the medication that is for dogs.
We hope this cleared up any confusion.
- [1] ^ Cuteness: Over the Counter Antibiotics for Dogs
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