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Do Dogs Personalities Mirror Their Owners?

Do Dogs Personalities Mirror Their Owners?

Like humans, dogs exhibit different personalities depending on their owners and the environment they grew up in. This can be seen from their body language or their reactions to sounds. Dogs also seem to pick up on things around them and learn how to react accordingly, which is why some dogs have more manners than others.

These traits make a dog unique, just like people, and it's fascinating to understand how each personality may correspond with the same breed. For example, a Labrador Retriever that lives with a family with lots of children and walks in busy public areas will likely be more confident and outgoing than one that lives with a quiet couple that doesn't interact much. That is just the way it is.

Kevin Stafford, an animal behaviorist at the University of Pennsylvania, states, "dogs personalities are determined by each dog. Personality is about how an individual reacts in a given situation compared to similar situations. So any dog may not always react the same way in similar situations, just as humans do not." He explained how "it can be challenging to evaluate a dog's personality if you don't know the individual. These observations are based on many different aspects of a dog's behavior. For example, body posture, facial expression, and vocalizations contribute to an overall impression of a dog's personality.

Ways that Dogs Copy their Owners

1. Playful and Trusting

Dogs who are closer to their owners and allowed to play with them often can trust them a little more than dogs whose owners treat them as a workhorse. In addition, if a dog is allowed to play with other dogs, they will likely pick up on this friendliness in other dogs and adopt it, thus making their owner's dog friendlier.

2. They sleep when you sleep

Dogs have an innate ability to know when their owner is tired or in a deep sleep, and they will be more likely to follow suit. They develop this instinct after first being taught to recognize their human patterns.

If a dog is close to their owners, they are more likely to sleep with them. This creates a stronger bond between them and the dog's owner than if the dog doesn't sleep in the same house. This, of course, does not mean that all dogs will sleep with their owners in their beds at night; this is just one pattern that seems to exist more often than not.

3. Dogs learn from their owners

"Well-trained dogs are observed to 'copy' people more than untrained dogs when responding to commands," according to Dr. Ian Dunbar, Director of the Anthrozoology Institute at the University of Cambridge. This is because trained dogs learn from their owners and will want to do it their way. They feel a need to please their owners.

4. They pick up on bad habits too

While dogs learn a lot of good habits and tricks from their owners, they can also pick up on bad habits. This can be especially true when the owner is not paying attention or doesn't realize they are doing something wrong. For example, if an owner yells at their dog for doing something wrong and then proceeds to do the same thing a few moments later, the dog will likely repeat what he did before because it works!


Dogs are a wonderful breed of companion animals. If you can train your dog to be more obedient and adopt a positive attitude and mannerisms, you will find that your dog respects you and is never far from your side.

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