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- Small
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German Shepherd Trivia Quiz
Quiz: How much do you know about German Shepherds?

1. What dog breeder developed the German Shepherd?
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Your answer
CorrectMax von Stephanitz
Your answer
Correct answer
Correct AnswerMax von Stephanitz
The German Shepherd Dog was originated in Germany in the late 1800s by Captain Max von Stephanitz, a former German Army Captain who hoped to breed an all-purpose working dog. He created the schutzhund trial, a breed test, and any dog that failed the trial was prohibited from breeding. These strict guidelines led to the rapid development of the breed's abilities and intelligence.

2. Which of these colors is the original color of German Shepherds?
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Your answer
CorrectBlack and tan
Your answer
Correct answer
Correct AnswerBlack and tan
As German Shepherd dogs were bred as working dogs, the original breeders focused on temperature rather than appearance. The original color of working German Shepherds was sable. The most traditional color in the show ring is black and tan.

3. What was the GSD originally bred to do?
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Your answer
Your answer
Correct answer
Correct AnswerHerding
Although it is a good guard dog, the GSD is primarily bred for herding. It has a strong herding instinct.

4. What was the name of the very first German Shepherd?
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Your answer
CorrectHorand von Grafrath
Your answer
Correct answer
Correct AnswerHorand von Grafrath
In 1899, Max Von Stephanitz was attending a dog show when he was shown a dog named Hektor Linksrhein. Hektor was the product of several generations of selective breeding. Von Stephanitz was so taken by the animal's intelligence, loyalty, beauty, and strength that he purchased him immediately, changed his name to Horand von Grafrath, founded the Verein für Deutsche Schäferhunde (Society for German Shepherd Dogs), and made him the first dog added to the society's breed register.

5. The life span of a German shepherd is usually...
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Your answer
Correct9-13 years
Your answer
Correct answer
Correct Answer9-13 years
The German Shepherd is an amazing dog with tons of excellent qualities. They have a lifespan of 9-13 years which is average for most dogs.

6. German shepherds "obviously" have all of these attributes except...
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Your answer
Your answer
Correct answer
Correct AnswerAttentiveness
German Shepherds need a lot of attention in the sense that they need plenty of quality time with their owners and can suffer from separation anxiety when left ...

7. How many teeth should a GSD have?
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Your answer
Correct42 teeth
Your answer
Correct answer
Correct Answer42 teeth
The dog has 42 teeth, with 21 teeth on each side (left and right), and four general types of teeth (incisors, canines, premolars, and molars).

8. The first _____ was a German Shepherd.
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Your answer
CorrectSeeing-eye dogs
Your answer
Correct answer
Correct AnswerSeeing-eye dogs
The history of The Seeing Eye began in Vevey, Switzerland in the 1920s when Dorothy Harrison Eustis set up a breeding and training facility for German shepherds. In 1928, Buddy the German Shepherd became the first seeing eye dog to Morris Frank, a 19-year-old blind man from Nashville, Tennessee who wanted to regain his independence. Frank named all his future Seeing Eye dogs (he had six in total) Buddy. The name is now retired by The Seeing Eye.

9. Who brought the German Shepherd to America?
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Your answer
Your answer
Correct answer
Correct AnswerSoldiers
After World War I, American soldiers, impressed by the German Shepherd's intelligence and trainability, brought the breed to the United States where it quickly became a popular pet as well as working dog. Today, German Shepherds are often trained as police dogs, guide dogs, guard dogs, and of course sheepdogs.

10. German Shepherds are considered the ___ smartest dog breed.
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Your answer
Your answer
Correct answer
Correct Answer3rd
They're considered the third smartest breed of dog, behind only the Border Collie and Poodle. To be placed in the top tier of intelligence, breeds must understand a new command after only five repetitions and follow the first command given to them 95 percent of the time.

11. How much did the world's biggest biggest German Shepherd weigh?
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Your answer
Correct131 lbs
Your answer
Correct answer
Correct Answer131 lbs
According to Oborge, the world's largest German shepherd, as of September 2014, is named Duke, standing at almost 32 inches tall and weighing 131 pounds.

12. What was the German Shepherd officially called in the UK for 60 years?
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Your answer
CorrectAlsatian Wolf Dog
Your answer
Correct answer
Correct AnswerAlsatian Wolf Dog
The breed was officially renamed by the UK Kennel Club to “Alsatian Wolf Dog” which was also adopted by many other international kennel clubs.

13. A German Shepherd holds the world record for _____.
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Your answer
CorrectLoudest Bark
Your answer
Correct answer
Correct AnswerLoudest Bark
On June 19, 2009, a German shepherd named Daz Lightning broke the Guinness world record for the loudest bark ever with a woof of 108 decibels.

14. What is the name of the founder of Verein fur Deutsche Schaferhunde, which was the first club for the GSD?
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Your answer
CorrectCaptain Max von Stephanitz
Your answer
Correct answer
Correct AnswerCaptain Max von Stephanitz
The club was founded in 1899 on April 22. Aside from founding the first GSD club, he also helped to create what we now know as the German Shepherd dog. He knew what he wanted in conformation, and he and several other people bred for it.

15. Which of these breeds has a GSD had a part in creating?
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Your answer
CorrectShiloh Shepherd
Your answer
Correct answer
Correct AnswerShiloh Shepherd
The Shiloh shepherd is a relatively new breed, which is a combination of the Alaskan malamute, the GSD and several other breeds. It resembles a long coated GSD, only much larger.

16. What German Shepherd color is grounds for disqualification at some dog shows?
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Your answer
Correct answer
Correct AnswerWhite
Most commonly, German Shepherds are either tan/black or red/black. Rarer color variations include the sable, pure-black, pure-white, liver, silver, blue, and panda varieties. The all-black and sable varieties are acceptable according to most standards, but the blue and liver are considered to be serious faults, and the all-white is grounds for instant disqualification from showing in conformation at All Breed and Specialty Shows.

17. What percent of German Shepherd Dogs suffer from hip dysplasia?
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Your answer
Your answer
Correct answer
Correct Answer19%
The Orthopedic Foundation for Animals found that 19.1% of German Shepherd are affected by hip dysplasia. There are, however, ways to help prevent hip dysplasia, including getting a pup from a good breeder, keeping it on a healthy diet, and limiting the amount of jumping or rough play.

18. What kind of German Shepherd coat is considered a fault by the American Kennel Club?
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Your answer
Correct answer
Correct AnswerLong-haired
The gene for long hair is recessive in German Shepherds and therefore rarer. Treatment of the long-haired variation differs across standards. It is accepted but does not compete against standard-coated dogs under the German and UK Kennel Clubs, while it can compete with standard-coated dogs but is considered a fault in the American Kennel Club.

19. What German Shepherd starred in 27 Hollywood films?
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Your answer
CorrectRin Tin Tin
Your answer
Correct answer
Correct AnswerRin Tin Tin
After being rescued from a World War I battlefield by American soldier Lee Duncan, Rin Tin Tin caught the eye of a talent scout by reportedly jumping 12 feet at a dog show. He went on to become a huge box-office success and, along with the earlier canine film star Strongheart, was responsible for greatly increasing the popularity of German Shepherd dogs as family pets.

20. What country banned German Shepherds for almost 50 years?
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Correct answer
Correct AnswerAustralia
In 1929, the Australian Federal Government classified German Shepherds as "dangerous" and banned the import of this breed. The prohibition remained in effect for decades, during which time record numbers of German Shepherds were smuggled into the country. The ban was finally lifted in 1976.
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