- Size
- Smallest
- Small
- Small to Medium
- Medium
- Large
- Giant
- Characteristics
- Smartest
- Hypoallergenic
- Fluffy
- Best Guard
- Best Family
- Best for Kids
- Low Shedding
- Healthiest
- Police Dogs
- Most Calm
- Quietest
- Color
- White
- Black
- Grey
- Brown
- Blue
- Red
- Coat
- Hairless
- Short
- Long
- Origin
- Japan
- China
- Australia
- Germany
- Italy
- United States
- France
- Group
- Hound
- Terrier
- Herding
- Toy
- Working
- Sporting
Poodle Trivia Quiz
Quiz: How much do you know about Poodles?

1. In which countries were poodles originally bred?
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Your answer
CorrectFrance and Germany
Your answer
Correct answer
Correct AnswerFrance and Germany
Nowadays, the poodle is most commonly associated with France. However, there is evidence that Poodles were used as water retrievers in Germany during its time of origin.

2. From which language did the name "poodle" originate?
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Your answer
Your answer
Correct answer
Correct AnswerGerman
The name "poodle" derives from the German word "pudel" or "pudelhund", which means "splashing dog". Poodles were originally bred to hunt waterfowls; the hunters shaved the dog's fur to increase swimming efficiency, leaving them unshaven only over the joints to keep warm.

3. What was the Standard Poodle's original purpose?
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Your answer
CorrectRetrieving Water Fowl
Your answer
Correct answer
Correct AnswerRetrieving Water Fowl
Many people do not know this, but they were bred for hunting- not to be lap dogs or circus dogs which most people think they were.

4. How many types of Poodles are there?
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Your answer
Your answer
Correct answer
Correct Answer3
Note that the AKC regards all three recognized variations (standard poodle, miniature poodle, and toy poodle) as size variants of the same breed.

5. Do most poodles like to swim?
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Your answer
Correct answer
Correct AnswerYes
Despite having a reputation for being polished and sophisticated, Poodles love to swim — they were originally bred as water retrievers. They have a moisture-resistant coat and webbed feet, which serve them well in the water.

6. What age range do poodles have?
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Your answer
Correct12-15 years
Your answer
Correct answer
Correct Answer12-15 years
Many poodles live a comparatively long life, with the smaller poodles reaching as much as 17 years of age, while the standards tend to live for 12 to 15 years.

7. The poodle is a hypo-allergenic (non-shedding) dog.
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Your answer
Your answer
Correct answer
Correct AnswerTrue
Dander is an allergen that comes from dogs. A poodle's tight, curled hair retains almost all the dander, making poodles a great choice for someone who is allergic to dogs.

8. How old was the oldest poodle?
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Your answer
Your answer
Correct answer
Correct Answer28
The original "oldest dog," the Lady, was a Poodle born in 1908 and made it all the way to 1937, making Lady a record-setting 28 years old.

9. What is the AKC-required clip for a poodle under 12 months of age?
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Your answer
CorrectPuppy clip
Your answer
Correct answer
Correct AnswerPuppy clip
The AKC requires the Puppy clip for a poodle under 12 months of age. Older poodles are required to have either the Continental clip or the English Saddle clip. The Lamb clip, although similar to the Puppy clip, is not an AKC standard for the poodle.

10. Which of these is an activity a Standard Poodle can NOT do?
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Your answer
CorrectNone of these
Your answer
Correct answer
Correct AnswerNone of these
As the title says, the poodle is a very versatile breed. Some of the activities that they can do are hunting, agility, conformation, obedience, search and rescue, therapy, skijoring(when a large dog pulls their owner who is on skis, but the dog can't do all of the work), and tracking.

11. What is the correct shape of the Standard Poodle's feet?
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Your answer
CorrectOval feet
Your answer
Correct answer
Correct AnswerOval feet
The feet are described as "rather small, oval in shape with toes well arched and cushioned on thick pads". The front pasterns are described merely as strong. I ...

12. What height should a Standard Poodle be at the shoulders?
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Your answer
Correct15 inches or more at the shoulder
Your answer
Correct answer
Correct Answer15 inches or more at the shoulder
Standard Poodles should be at least 15 inches at the shoulder. Miniature Poodles should be at least 11 inches at the shoulder. Toy Poodles should be under 11 inches at the shoulder.

13. Which one of the following colors is accepted by the British Kennel Club in the show ring?
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Your answer
Your answer
Correct answer
Correct AnswerApricot
There are many different coat colorations in the Standard Poodle, including White, Black, Red, Silver, Blue, Chocolate Brown, and even a color known as Cafe au lait; these are brown dogs with white hairs throughout their coat.

14. Standard poodles can be fed 2-3 smaller meals a day rather than one large meal. This practice helps prevent which potentially fatal condition?
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Your answer
Your answer
Correct answer
Correct AnswerBloat
Bloat occurs when the digestion of food creates gases, distending the stomach. It's a painful condition, but worse than that, it can lead to the death of an animal if not treated quickly enough.

15. When choosing a standard poodle puppy from a litter, what are the desirable qualities you would look for in the puppy of your choice?
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Your answer
CorrectThe puppy is happy to come and greet you
Your answer
Correct answer
Correct AnswerThe puppy is happy to come and greet you
Standard poodle puppies should never be shy as they love people, and they should be quite happy for you to get down on the floor and play with them.

16. What should a Standard Poodle breeder test their dogs for?
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Your answer
CorrectEyes, Hips, Thyroid, DNA, Addisons, Skin
Your answer
Correct answer
Correct AnswerEyes, Hips, Thyroid, DNA, Addisons, Skin
The Standard Poodle should be tested for Progressive Retinal Atrophy (eyes), Canine Hip Dysplasia(Hips), Thyroid and Addisons disease(Blood Test), Von Willebrands Disease, and Sebaceous Adenitis(Skin).

17. In which year was one of the most prestigious British Standard Poodle kennels, the Vulcan kennels, established in Britain?
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Your answer
Your answer
Correct answer
Correct Answer1934
The Vulcan kennels were established by a woman named Nellie Ionides. They became one of the most prestigious Standard Poodle kennels in the world, as many of the kennel's offspring were exported all over the world to be used as show dogs or as foundation breeding stock. This is where my own bitch came from.

18. What is the most common clip seen in the show ring?
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Your answer
CorrectContinental Clip
Your answer
Correct answer
Correct AnswerContinental Clip
The English Saddle and Continental are the only clips allowed in the show ring (although poodles under 12 months may be shown in the puppy clip). But the Continental is the most popular clip.

19. What is the "topknot"?
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Your answer
CorrectThe hair on the head, from stop to occiput
Your answer
Correct answer
Correct AnswerThe hair on the head, from stop to occiput
The topknot is the only place on a poodle where elastic bands may be used.

20. In many movies, Poodles belong to what kind of people?
20 / 20 Questions

Your answer
CorrectRich and Snobby
Your answer
Correct answer
Correct AnswerRich and Snobby
Poodles have appeared in several movies like Breakfast at Tiffany's and The Secret Life of Pets collection of animated films.
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